Sex Education

Why Do I Cry During Sex? Emotional and Physical Causes

Sex is often loaded with emotions, from pleasure to joy. Some might feel so much they shed tears during it1. This happens to many people, and there are numerous reasons for it, both emotional and physical2. By knowing these causes, we can try to stop or avoid crying during sex.

Emotional Reasons for Crying During Sex

Sex often brings on deep emotions. From pleasure to feeling very close. Some people end up crying, which is more common than you think. Several reasons can make someone cry while being intimate.

Overwhelming Feelings of Love and Intimacy

Sex can create a deep bond with tears of joy3. The intense connection can be so strong that it turns into tears. It’s key to talk to your partner. Make sure they know you’re crying from happiness and not sorrow.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can affect sex3. Even though sex can be enjoyable, it might make you cry. Getting help from a therapist or using medication can make this better.

Sexual Trauma or Abuse

Sex can be especially hard for those with past traumas3. Memories can resurface, making you cry during or after. Therapy can be a great help in these situations, along with a supportive partner.

Postcoital Dysphoria

Post-sex feelings can sometimes be sad or anxious45. This condition affects up to 46% of people. If you have PCD, you might find yourself crying even if you enjoyed it.

Learning the reasons for crying during sex is key. It can lead to more understanding and better communication with your partner. Seeking help, whether through therapy or self-care, can improve your sexual experiences345.

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Physical Causes of Crying During Sex

Emotional reasons aren’t the only causes of crying during sex. Our bodies release hormones like oxytocin and dopamine when we’re intimate. These hormones make us feel happy and relaxed1. But sometimes, the mix of these feelings and the intensity of the moment can lead to tears.

Physical Pain or Discomfort

Dealing with pain during sex can lead to tears. This pain can come from an infection, injury, or not enough lubrication1. If sex hurts, it’s best to stop and find out why. A doctor can help find the cause and suggest treatments1.

Hormonal Changes

Changes in hormones can play a big part in how we feel during sex. Things like PMS, pregnancy, or fertility treatments can mess with hormone levels1. Also, performance anxiety can make some people feel very stressed. This stress can sometimes turn into tears during sex.

A 2017 study discovered something interesting about post-sex emotions. People felt a variety of things, from crying to sneezing to having panic attacks1. This shows sex is more complex than we usually think, involving strong emotional and physical reactions.

If you’re crying during sex, talking to your partner is important. And if it keeps happening or makes you upset, seeking help is a good idea. A healthcare provider can look into the problem and suggest ways to help167.

Being Present in the Moment

When we’re truly there in a moment of sex, we might feel very intense emotions that lead to tears. This experience can be deep and rich. Being fully focused creates room for feelings we might have pushed aside or hidden8. Sex’s openness and closeness can make us feel a range of emotions. These may include happiness, love, sadness, and sometimes even grief8.

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Falling out of the moment during sex can come from stress or past trauma. This can make us cry or feel other strong feelings8. We can learn to be more mindful. Mindfulness means paying full attention to the present moment. Techniques like meditation help us stay calm and enjoy sex with our partners more8.

Sex and love involve a lot of biology, like different hormones. Things like testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, and oxytocin play a big part9. These chemicals impact how much we desire each other and feel in love. They might push us to show more emotion and need towards our partners9. Being tuned into the moment during sex makes us more aware of these emotional and physical changes.

Crying during sex shows our true feelings and can be a good thing. It’s okay to be vulnerable and seek help if you need it. With kindness and support, we can handle these emotional moments well10.

What to Do About Crying During Sex

Crying during sex might make you feel embarrassed. But many people face this, and it’s often okay11. It’s crucial to talk openly with your partner. Understand why it happened together7.

Communicating with Your Partner

It’s tough to see your partner cry during sex. The key is talking about it. Ignoring it or moving on isn’t helpful. Tears could show bigger issues or doubts in the relationship7. Make it known you care and ask what they need. It’s important not to rush back into intimacy until you resolve things7.

What to Do if Your Partner Cries

Stay calm and caring if your partner cries during sex. Don’t try to immediately solve it or ignore how they feel. Create a safe space for them7. Suggest a pause, hold them, and ask how they feel. Together, you can figure out the real issue, be it physical or emotional7.

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Crying during sex can happen for many reasons. From hormonal changes to past traumas3. Communication is key. Seeking professional advice is okay. It helps strengthen your bond7.

Couple communicating during sex

Relationship Issues

Crying during sex might signal deeper problems12. It’s a sign your emotional issues are affecting your intimate moments. If you feel distant or are thinking of breaking up, these feelings can show during sex12. Talking openly with your partner about these issues is very important12.

Healthy sexual relationships often mean a happier marriage12. But, some people, especially wives, need more sex than their partners12. Putting your feelings aside to satisfy your partner might lead to avoiding sex altogether12.

Losing that intimacy can make emotional neglect and less love between partners12. Aversion to sex in a marriage often comes from unfulfilled needs12. Bad experiences, like forcing sex to feel loved, can create an aversive response12.

Talking about these issues with your partner is key12. This way, you can see if it’s possible to fix things together or if you should part ways12. This honest communication can lead you to build a stronger bond or help you both find the bravery to move on12.


Many people might wonder why they cry during sex. It’s a common thing for both women13 and men13. Sometimes, it shows your relationship is strong and filled with love. The moment can be so intense that you cry out of joy or because you release tension14.

But, if crying during sex happens a lot and you don’t know why, talking to a professional could help. A psychotherapist or a sex therapist might be able to shed light on the reasons. They can also give you ways to handle it well14.

It’s crucial to treat yourself kindly and keep talking with your partner. By understanding your feelings and sorting out the issues, you can make your sex life more enjoyable. This may lead to a deeper connection and more happiness14.

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